Five Words That Can Change Your Life
Five Words That Can Change Your Life
I’m almost speechless about these five words that can change your life. They’re simple, memorable, and very accurate. I can’t take credit for them, they are straight from the Bible.
My pastor mentioned this verse in passing a few months ago and I legit grabbed Nick’s knee and was like, “What did he just say??”
I’ve been reading the Bible for a few decades and must have overlooked this brilliant command. Am I blowing this out of proportion? You tell me!
Today, we embark on a new era in history.
It’s Inauguration Day! Likely, you have very strong opinions regarding this monumental day and the transitions of power that be. I’m not here to discuss politics.
I value you as a human and the passion you feel is real. I am here to talk about God and share what He’s taught me. You cool with that?
What are the five words that can change your life?
God said these words, through a prophet, to King Ahaz, who was worried about these two neighboring kings who had been throwing threats at him.
There was a lot of division in the land of Israel at that time, a lot of chaos, a lot of hatred, a lot of violence, and a lot of transition in leadership. Sound familiar?
King Ahaz was nervous. He couldn’t see peace through the fog. He couldn’t see good in the current situation. He couldn’t see God in it. So God said these five words:

Here are the five words that can change your life:
“Calm down and be quiet.” Isaiah 7:4
- Calm
- Down
- And
- Be
- Quiet
Mic Drop, God.
God is reassuring King Ahaz that everything is under control. Calm down and be quiet.
Now that might not rock your socks like it did mine, but when I heard it, I was like “Yes. I need go chill out because God is and always has been the One in charge.”
Our Lord is in control.
He works all things out for His good.
ALL things out for His good.
Too often we irresponsibly volunteer our my mind to things not of God. We allow our minds to be captivated by negativity, divisiveness, media, opinions of others.
And God tells us to take EVERY THOUGHT and make it obedient to Christ.
“The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
To take captive every thought (worry, fear, sadness; even bitterness, revenge, spitefulness), we must not allow strong feelings to become weapons for the enemy to use.
The more that we simmer on feelings of worry, angst or anxiety, things that we can’t necessarily sweep to the side, the easier it becomes to stray from our path.
God is telling us to just calm down and be quiet. Nothing that you are feeling is outside of His knowledge. He sees you. He knows you.
He sees the effort that you are putting forward to make Him known. Focus on making God known (today and every other day).

If you think our nation is doomed, do you believe in the peace Jesus offers?
If you think our nation is saved, do you think government offers God’s peace?
If you look at the whole story of the Bible, from the very beginning to the end, there was war, anguish, and different views between two groups of people that clashed… and the end, there was Jesus saving the day.
Knowing the five words that can change your life – what should our role be, this week specifically?
Whether we are talking about politics, or something going on in your personal life (family, work, money, health, etc), God might be trying to tell you, calm down and be quiet.
Don’t forget the five words that can change your life.
I feel like we need all of that tattooed some place easily seen or on a shirt or hat or something. Calm down and be quiet. God’s got this.
I’m going to follow Him. He is my king. He is my leader. He is the one that I am going to wake up and pursue every single day.
And at the end of my life, I can sit up and ask God if He can tell me ‘well done good and faithful servant?’
Because that is our number one goal.