Trick yourself into being brave

7 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Being Brave

7 Ways to Trick Yourself Into Being Brave

Is it possible to trick yourself into being brave? Our lives require a lot of bravery. I knew the minute I stepped into adulthood this world would be vicious and ready to prowl.

When you do not want to be brave but must…

trick yourself into being brave

All of us are meant to be brave.

We may not always feel like being brave, but we must face our fears in order to live a love fast live slow life. Fear sucks.

It can be paralyzing. But God did not give us a spirit of fear. He gave us the power to be brave. 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Perhaps the mistake we make is relying 100% on ourselves to plow through scary times.

To help you (me) overcome, here are 7 ways to trick yourself into being brave: 

1. Own it (Admit it, always first step)

2. Tame it (is it really life threatening or just a little scary?)

3. Name it (Who is telling you this thing is scary?)

4. Flip it (What is the worst that could happen?)

5. Embody it (Take a deep breath. You are braver than you realize) 

6. Risk it (Trust God and take the leap) 

7. Build it (Keep going outside your comfort zone to stretch yourself)

These 7 ways to trick yourself into being brave are from a great article at, find the entire article here

Sometimes you have to trick yourself into being brave!

Not everything God calls us to do will be within our comfort zone. As a matter of fact, growth and comfort rarely live in the same space. 

trick yourself into being brave
trick yourself into being brave
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PS. Need some more BRAVE in your life? Us too. Laura is starting a new #LiveSlowBibleStudy over a devotional book called, 100 Days To Brave. It starts on Monday (July 29th).

Learn more here: Live Slow Bible Study

Until next time,
Nick and Laura Mendenhall

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