Everything Takes Time to Bloom Once They Fall Apart

Life’s rhythm often feels like a series of waitings. There we are, holding our breath for that life-changing phone call, reassuring news from a doctor, or just yearning for the weekend’s gentle embrace. But everything takes time.
This collective anticipation, hope, and sometimes, sheer endurance, are stitched not into a tapestry, but into the very air we breathe, echoing the undeniable truth that everything unfolds in its own time, often taking longer than we initially think.
Let me pull back the curtain on my own experiences. Reflecting on the twists and turns my life has taken, I’ve landed on a profound truth: living slow.

What is Planning Fallacy?
We’re so often caught in the belief that faster equals better, hustling against an invisible clock. This is where we stumble into the notorious trap known as the planning fallacy, a concept highlighted by the insightful Amos Tversky.
It’s that all-too-human habit of underestimating how long it will take to complete our tasks, a lesson I’ve learned more than once in my adventures.So, let me take you on a bit of a personal detour, one that really hammers home this whole concept of planning fallacy.
The concept of the planning fallacy was introduced by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky in 1979.
This cognitive bias highlights our common misstep: underestimating the time required to complete future tasks, often because we’re swayed by overly optimistic predictions of how things will go.
Why does this happen to so many of us? At its core, the issue stems from wishful thinking. We’re all geared up with the best of intentions, aiming to accomplish our goals swiftly and efficiently.
Yet, our enthusiasm often blinds us to reality, leading us to gloss over the actual time needed to reach our objectives. The crux of the problem lies in overlooking potential hurdles, both the unforeseen external obstacles and the internal challenges that can slow our pace significantly.
My Personal Struggle with Time Management
I was absolutely buzzing with excitement for this new project I had dreamt up. It was bold, it was big, and in my mind, it was going to change the game.
I was all in, setting deadlines that, to anyone else, might have seemed a tad…well, let’s say “optimistic.” I genuinely thought I had the power to bend time to my will, to make things move faster just through sheer willpower and enthusiasm.
But, oh, how reality loves to throw curveballs. It wasn’t long before I hit a wall—hard. Those deadlines I had so confidently set?
They began to crumble one by one, revealing themselves to be nothing more than figments of my overzealous imagination. This wasn’t just a project; it turned into a profound voyage into the depths of my own patience and determination.
It was a vivid, sometimes painful lesson that truly, everything unfolds in its own time, and there’s such thing as rushing art or innovation.
This journey taught me far more than just how to juggle tasks and manage a calendar.
It dove deep into the delicate ballet of balancing ambition with the natural rhythms of life. I’ve run headlong into the planning fallacy—this notion that we can accurately predict how long complex, creative processes will take—a plenty of times.
Each encounter served as a reminder that life doesn’t always stick to our schedules, no matter how meticulously we plan.
In a culture that’s always on fast-forward, pressing us to achieve more in less time, let’s stand up for the beauty of letting things take as long as they need to.
Lean into the slow but be sure to realize that the best things, the most meaningful transformations, happen not overnight but over a long time.

Life Lessons From a Seed Falling Apart
Our exploration of time’s true essence extends far beyond mere personal anecdotes.
Within the pages of “Love Fast Live Slow,” we go on a journey right from the outset, dissecting our modern world’s obsession with immediacy.
This incessant push for quick results has deeply infiltrated our collective consciousness, propelling us forward with the nagging sensation that to slow down is to somehow fall behind in the race of life.
Yet, if we allow ourselves a moment of pause, to truly observe the world around us—nature, in its undisturbed form, offers us timeless lessons in patience and resilience.
Seeds Don’t Blossom Until They Fall Apart
Consider, for example, the humble journey of a seed. Its transformation from a tiny, dormant entity buried in the soil to a thriving, blooming plant is anything but swift.
This metamorphosis unfolds over a lot of time—weeks, months, and sometimes years—demonstrating nature’s preference for slow, deliberate growth.
This process starkly contrasts with the fast-paced ethos of our society, where quick fixes and immediate rewards are often lauded as the ultimate goals.
Yet, this natural progression from seed to bloom serves as a powerful testament to the value of patience, highlighting that the most profound achievements and the deepest growth stem from periods of waiting, being, and gradually evolving in alignment with our inherent nature.
Our personal journeys are similarly marked by intervals of reflection, challenges, and pivotal changes.
Whether it’s navigating the murky waters of confronting our flaws, embracing new roles within our familial circles, or embarking on quests for personal healing, each juncture contributes significantly to our overall growth.
These episodes, which on the surface may appear as setbacks or detours, are in reality the very essence of our development.
They underscore the lesson that true progress is measured not by the velocity at which we advance but by the profoundness of our transformation during the periods we allow ourselves the time we truly require.
The beauty of this lesson is that it applies universally, touching upon both the bad things and the good news that punctuate our lives.
It teaches us that even in the face of adversity, there’s an opportunity for growth, a silver lining that we can unearth if we’re willing to invest much time in the process of self-discovery and healing.
This perspective shift can transform our understanding of time from a relentless taskmaster to a wise mentor, guiding us through life’s ups and downs with a steady hand.
Be Willing To Go Slow to Grow Mo…re (tried to rhyme #fail lol)
And here lies the good news: by embracing this slower, more intentional approach to life, we open ourselves up to a richer, more fulfilling experience.
We learn that rushing through life’s chapters may get us to the finish line faster, but it robs us of the depth, the learning, and the genuine connections that come from a journey taken at a natural pace.
As we navigate our paths, let’s carry with us the understanding that the most valuable transformations require a lot of time, much like the seed’s journey to becoming a blooming plant.
Quotes From a Good Book: The Well-Watered Woman
Let’s celebrate this wisdom, allowing it to illuminate our way as we move through the myriad phases of our lives, always mindful of the profound impact of giving ourselves the time we need to truly blossom.

Jot these few quotes down:
- “You don’t have to be blooming to be growing.”
- “Long for Him more than productivity”
- “Growing season — filled with weeding, pruning, watering, cultivating. And not many blooms.”
This blurb is from a brand new book that was released yesterday called, “The Well-Watered Woman” by Gretchen Saffles.

Final Thoughts: Everything Takes Time to Blossom
The Bible acts as a profound source of wisdom and solace, particularly during those stretches of life when we’re called to wait, reminding us of God’s enduring love and His commitment to see us through to our fullest potential.
Philippians 1:4-6 shines as a lighthouse of hope, affirming His dedication to our personal and spiritual growth, offering us deep reassurance that even in periods of waiting, we are under the compassionate care of a force far mightier than any we can imagine.
In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:4-6
This assurance invites us to rethink our relationship with time and our expectations for personal development and achievement. Because everything takes time!
It opens a gateway to deeper, more introspective conversations with ourselves, our beliefs, and the world around us, prompting us to fully embrace the meandering journey of life with all its unforeseen detours and necessary pauses.
As we dive deeper into these themes, both in “Love Fast Live Slow” and in the stimulating discussions it triggers, let’s cherish this opportunity for meaningful reflection.
We are encouraged to meditate on the importance and value of adopting a pace through life that aligns with our natural process of growth, trusting in the divine timing that ensures everything in our lives will flourish at the right moment.
This way of seeing things doesn’t just deepen our own journey with faith; it also brings us closer together as a community.
As we learn from each other, share our stories, and grow side by side, we’re all held together by the comforting belief that, in the bigger picture, every part of our lives is destined to have its moment in the spotlight.